Re: Why would a link in an automated email notification not hyperlink for some but not others?
We have encountered this, too, and observed that it depended on the email client used by the recipient. In our experience, URLs in the email alerts show up as hyperlinks in the desktop app for Outloo…1 · -
Re: using form on multiple web pages
Hi, @LorryH , another approach is to create two forms for the same sheet: "COM" and "Frey". In the field where you plan to store the name of the site, set the default value to the…1 · -
Re: Automate message to a contact on a separate sheet
Hi, @MichelleN , you can use JOIN( COLLECT() ) to collect the email addresses for the department managers into a Managers cell/column: for example, bugs@acme.com;daffy@acme.com;elmer@acme.com. Then p…2 · -
Re: Fiscal Year Week Number
Your organization's FY starts 13 weeks after the start of the CY. So, for your organization, the fiscal week is CY_Week - 13 , or... WEEKNUMBER([Test Date]@row) - 13 . However, that becomes problemat…1 · -
Re: Extract Date from Date and Time in Date Column
=LEFT(Timestamp@row, FIND(" ", Timestamp@row)) In your timestamp, the date is immediately followed by a space (" "). Find the position of that space and then take the leftmost cha…1 ·